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Mythic Quest premiered back in February of 2020 and aired a special quarantine episode last May. Rachel mentions a crush on another woman in the series pilot and is explicitly identified as a lesbian in the third episode, 'Dinner Party'. It's not one of those 'hinted at' stories, either. Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet's game tester, Rachel (Ashly Burch) is a lesbian. The series is obviously not focused on queer-coded issues, but it does feature an LGBTQ+ lead character. The release of Raven's Banquet leads to all sorts of shenanigans between the team, including a decent amount of (mostly good natured) friction between the game's creator, Ian Grimm (Rob McElhenney) and his engineer and head writer, Poppy Li (Charlotte Nicdao) and C.W. The series follows the team of the (fictional) video game studio, Mythic Quest as they head into the release of a major expansion of their title game. Think of it as The Guild meets The Office, but with its own unique jokes sprinkled in for good measure.

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Into workspace comedies? Mythic Quest is exactly the kind of show for you.

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